עזרה בהבנת דף האופציות של תוכנת mwpffliner [ליצירת קבצי zim]
זה מה שכתוב שם:
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--mwUrl Mediawiki base URL. [required]
--adminEmail Email of the mwoffliner user which will be put in
the HTTP user-agent string [required]
--articleList File with one title (in UTF8) per line. This can be
a local path or an HTTP(S) url
--customZimFavicon Use this option to give a path to a PNG favicon, it
will be used in place of the Mediawiki logo. This
can be a local path or an HTTP(S) url
--customZimTitle Allow to configure a custom ZIM file title.
--customZimDescription Allow to configure a custom ZIM file description.
--customZimTags Allow to configure custom ZIM file tags (semi-colon
--customMainPage Allow to configure a custom page as welcome page.
--filenamePrefix For the part of the ZIM filename which is before
the format & date parts.
--format Specify a flavour for the scraping. If missing,
scrape all article contents. Each --format argument
will cause a new local file to be created but
options can be combined. Supported options are:
* novid: no video & audio content
* nopic: no pictures (implies "novid")
* nopdf: no PDF files
* nodet: only the first/head paragraph (implies
Format names can also be aliased using a ":"
Example: "... --format=nopic:mini
--keepEmptyParagraphs Keep all paragraphs, even empty ones.
--mwWikiPath Mediawiki wiki base path (per default "/wiki/")
--mwApiPath Mediawiki API path (per default "/w/api.php")
--mwRestApiPath Mediawiki Rest API path (per default
--mwModulePath Mediawiki module load path (per default
--mwDomain Mediawiki user domain (thought for private wikis)
--mwUsername Mediawiki username (thought for private wikis)
--mwPassword Mediawiki user password (thought for private wikis)
--minifyHtml Try to reduce the size of the HTML
--outputDirectory Directory to write the downloaded content
--publisher ZIM publisher meta data, per default 'Kiwix'
--redis Redis configuration (https://github.com/NodeRedis/n
--requestTimeout Request timeout - in seconds(default value is 120
--resume Do not overwrite if ZIM file already created
--speed Multiplicator for the number of parallel HTTP
requests on Parsoid backend (per default the number
of CPU cores). The default value is 1.
--verbose Print debug information to the stdout
--withoutZimFullTextIndex Don't include a fulltext search index to the ZIM
--webp Convert all jpeg, png and gif images to webp format
--addNamespaces Force additional namespace (comma separated
--getCategories [WIP] Download category pages
--noLocalParserFallback Don't fall back to a local MCS or Parsoid, only use
remote APIs
--forceLocalParser Use local Parsoid instance even if remote one
--osTmpDir Override default operating system temporary
directory path environment variable
--customFlavour A custom processor that can filter and process
articles (see extensions/*.js)
--optimisationCacheUrl S3 url, including credentials and bucket name
--zstd Use Zstandard as ZIM compression (Lzma otherwise)ניסיתי להוריד את אוצר הספרים היהודי השיתופי כך:
sudo docker run openzim/mwoffliner mwoffliner --mwUrl="https://wiki.jewishbooks.org.il" --adminEmail="0361301@gmail.com" --mwWikiPath="mediawiki/wiki" --mwApiPath="mediawiki/api.php" --mwModulePath="mediawiki/load.php"
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